

A Domestic Discipline Society blog REVIEW

A wink style Blog review of the A Domestic Discipline Society (ADDS) blog was recently posted on American Spanking Society by Todd & Suzy. ADDS has been mentioned before for the discussion groups in different areas, but this is the first Review of the A Domestic Discipline Society (ADDS) blog! I thought I would share it with the ADDS readers and say Thanks to Todd & Suzy :)

A Domestic Discipline Society

We recently got a friendly Email from a young woman that had some questions about Domestic Discipline (DD). She and her husband were starting a new DD dynamic in their marriage and she was curious about a few things. While she did have an interest in all kinds of different aspects of spanking, her focus right now is pretty much only on the discipline side of things and she wondered what blogs we knew of that centered around that topic.

We knew just the link to share with her… A Domestic Discipline Society. This blog is a one stop shopping spot for those with an interest in DD.
It offers an excellent link list to the many different DD blogs and sites that can be found on the internet, including all of our favorites. It’s also a wonderful source in and of itself. Lots of articles, insights and advice, all if which are presented in a very open and friendly way.
Many times kink/spanking/discipline sites offer a “THIS is the way you do it!” approach, with that way of doing it being… of course… the exact way the writer him or herself does it. Obviously though DD isn't a one size fits all kind of thing. A Domestic Discipline Society recognizes that reality and thus offers wider views.
The site also offers friendly conversations about the different topics covered, offering readers the chance to share their own insights and/or questions.
The owner of the site… MrBB… lives right here in Arizona too, and we can share that he is a genuinely nice guy that is always happy to help out in any way he can.
Wonderful site here and must reading for anyone with an interest in the discipline side of spanking. We’re happy to add it to our links and we warmly welcome you to check out A Domestic Discipline Society

Thank you Todd & Suzy!


  1. Well congrats! It is nice to get recognition isn't it? And now you can be sure to help out even more people!



    1. Thank you kindly Wilma! Being appreciated does feel nice. :)
      And helping as many people as possible with free info feels good too! :)

  2. Very nice - great resource
    happy halloween

    1. Thank you very much for the compliment Lillie! Happy Halloween :)

  3. That is great news - congrats!

  4. Good to be recognized for a wide appeal, congrats!

  5. Anonymous11/01/2012

    I LOVE the information you write here MrBB you write with the experience of a long time HOH. And I bookmarked this blog because everything else I like I can get to from here also. That was a real good review from a very good blog. Keep up the good work.

  6. Congrats! They chose wisely

  7. We have used this site often for information, and have found it very informative in all areas of DD. Thanks for all your hard work, in making it possible to be able to have this information at your fingertips :)

  8. Very nice. Glad you got the recognition.

  9. Anonymous11/02/2012

    Love all the great information posted on here. And then there is all the information that is shared about other places to go get even more good information. I also like how this looks like a happy place. The look here is bright and colorful and cheerful like this should be celebrated not all dark and hidden.

  10. Good news, congratulations.

