

Bonnie Appreciation Day / My Bottom Smarts

Tuesday 10-23-12 declared "Bonnie Appreciation Day" for Bonnie of My Bottom Smarts!  If you have been away from blogland it's ok to still show your appreciation with a Thank You Bonnie post on your blog. Is it really ever too late to show your appreciation?! Continue for information about how this idea got rolling, URL to the pic made for the occasion and links!

After posting, go to  the My Bottom Smarts blog to say Thank You directly on Bonnies blog along with all of her appreciative blogger friends and readers. This post was originally posted the morning of 10-22-2012, one day before Bonnie Appreciation Day. It was asked that bloggers on Bonnie's blogroll post a simple, Thank You Bonnie. If you would like to post something longer... of course! Write a nice thank you letter if you'd like. Just make sure to at least post the title... Thank You BonnieNow it's time to continue to get the word out... get to the social network and post about this, post on your blogs, and contact every blogger you know in any way you can who hasn't already posted their Thank You Bonnie post! 
If you're able to post a picture, Use the picture below when posting with the simple title Thank You Bonnie. We want to fill her blogroll with Thank You Bonnie messages and fill the blogworld with a combined show of appreciation with this bright Thank You Bonnie picture made for this occasion! 

Copy/paste the picture below, or here's the URL to the pic:

Link-back to A Domestic Discipline Society at the bottom of your Thank You Bonnie post to share the details and where to find the picture we're all using and links to Ana's Fika interview & guestbook, Bonnie's "When BAD is Good" link etc... 
Link-back to A Domestic Discipline Society >>>

How the idea took flight...
I always go through the blogrolls here on ADDS when I arrive. I noticed my friend Ana was interviewing Bonnie on the Monday Morning Fika series. Of course, it was an excellent interview, (not to be missed!) In the comments after the interview, the "Hmmm...!" moment sparked! We as a community needed to have a Bonnie Appreciation Day! Bonnie has done so much for all of us in the  our blogging realm and it's time we as one combined voice,  say Thank You Bonnie!
The Interview is called Monday Morning Fika With Bonnie Burns Read it and the comments afterward. And Ana has posted Bonnie's Day guestbook of links to visit after posting your Thank You Bonnie Post!

And for Twitter users don't forget to use the hashtag: >>>  #thanksbonnie

UPDATE:  At the urging of some emails from ADDS readers who don't have blogs to post a  Thank You, I wrote to Bonnie and asked if she could be so kind as to please post a place where all of her friends could  go and say Thank You. She's very humble but agreed and has a post on MBS where everyone can go and say thanks! It's nice too, because now new bloggers that she helps in the future have a place they can go and say Thank You!  >>>>> When BAD is Good
Checkout the new button above the ADDS blog lists that leads directly back to the "When Bad is Good" post on MBS! It's there to help future bloggers find a place where they can say thank you to Bonnie for her help. 


  1. Oh yes, I forgot to say she doesn't display images in her blogroll, but the titles will say it all.

  2. Oh yeah you're right Hermione, but the same title over and over will show up nicely.
    And the Thank You Bonnie pic on every blog that does show pics will get people wondering if they haven't heard already. :)

    1. ok... I changed the message around a little. Thanks Hermione!

  3. Posted and linked back to you. We're on!

    1. OK... we're on a roll now Ana! And all this started after your Interview with Bonnie!
      I love anything to do with showing people appreciation. And I love anything to do with publicizing and marketing, so these two just fell together nicely :)

  4. Michael and I are on board! Thank you for organizing this! :)

    1. That's great news Season! Blossom and Thorn rocks!
      We're hoping to see the Thank You Bonnie posts and pic all over the internet tomorrow and your help showing Bonnie appreciation is.. well, appreciated!! :)
      And I just added your site to the blogroll here :)

  5. Ok everybody... The word is out on Twitter, Google+, FetLife, Spanking Bloggers Network and the blogworld.
    So, If anyone posts the above post (with pic if you're able)...
    then leave your link here on this post with the words > Posted Thank You Bonnie & the link to your blog.
    Then do the same on any other links you find on a thank you post here and elsewhere, creating an ever widening network of people thanking and showing their appreciation for Bonnie and all she has done for so many of us.

    1. 23 blogs participating so far, or at least that is how many I have found. You are a lean mean marketing machine! :D

    2. Have you seen all the blogrolls? They are filled with people appreciating and thanking Bonnie! It's a wonderful sight! She has been so instrumental in helping so many people in out community, it's great to see everyone sharing their thoughts.

  6. Season and Michael (and everyone else), please don't forget to put your link on my blog so it's all in one place. Then even if you put up a post afterward all of the links will be easy to find. Yay!

  7. Great idea. Thanks for organising it. I'm in and have posted.


    1. Getting the word out has ironically been something Bonnie has always beleived in... I have found friendly connections and shared with so many people that I haven't before. Leave it to Thanking Bonnie, to open up even more people to finding each other... just like her blog!

    2. I know. In some ways it feels selfish because I think *we* get as much or more out of thanking Bonnie. But look at how just a word here and there caught on...29 blogs participating last time I checked. I hope I haven't missed any. I will put together an edited list tomorrow.

    3. I'm just enjoying today. I've been going around to all the blogs participating in thanking Bonnie and sharing with them. I'm not leaving a link on blogs about this site or anything, today is all about Bonnie. I've known her from a Spanking site I have moderated and social sites etc... we were just on the same sites and shared an occasional hello kind of thing. But when I started blogging, Bonnie helped me out like a best friend would. It was amazing and today is all Bonnie's day.

  8. Anonymous10/23/2012

    Wonderful idea. I've posted.

    1. I thinks it's so nice that people are sharing their stories about how Bonnie helped them out. I have been going to each blog and reading the many notes of appreciation.

  9. I've posted (with the wrong post title, silly me) - but the thought is there. Yay for Bonnie!

  10. eh... most people aren't coming here to see the details like they were yesterday. Which is fine, the important thing is that they see what's happening in blogworld and join in to appreciate and thank Bonnie! Happy Bonnie Appreciation Day!

  11. Where do I begin? This is so cool on several levels. You created a tribute for me by organizing the community just as I advocate. Amazing! Big thanks to everyone involved.

    1. You set an example. And we all appreciate the path you have blazed, and admire the way you have always shared and been so helpful to everyone.
      This is just one small way to say,

      Thank You Bonnie. :)

    2. Bonnie has been kind enough to open a post where we can all go and say Thanks :)

  12. Thanks for including me, I would have totally missed it! So I included a little thank you on the bottom of my post! Because, she really is awesome!

    1. You're welcome. I'm happy to have helped :)
      And yes, she is awesome!

  13. Anonymous10/23/2012

    This is shaping up to be a great day for Bonnie with all the heartfelt tributes. She helped Season and me when we started our blog and she has helped many others. Bonnie is a true inspiration and a Queen in our community. Great job, MrBBSpanker.

    1. Thank you kindly Micheal! It was worth every moment, and it was a lot of fun too!
      I have been going all over blogland reading all the Thank You posts. Yours is more like a tribute! It was so well done. If anyone hasn't seen it yet, here's a link to Michael & Seasons blog, Blossom and Thorns:

  14. This was a great idea and no person in the blogosphere deserves the recognition more than she does. Thank you Bonnie for all you do!

  15. Anonymous10/24/2012

    I dont have a blog but if I did I would be saying thank you to Bonnie.
    That has been a favorite place to read for a long time. Now I have another favorite blog.
    This blog is amazing MrBBSpanker and what a great idea for Bonnie Day

  16. I did not have a post up yesterday, but on the post I posted today I added a Thank you to Bonnie at the bottom of my post. So, it is not in the heading, but wanted you to know your good deed lived on for another day. All well deserved praise for her and what a nice idea. Regards.

    1. That's great SNP! :)
      I've noticed a few people that have done it the same way. All Thank Yous are good Thank yous! All well deserved praise for Bonnie is right :)
