DD Chat Room Now Open to the Community! Enjoy chatting with friends and making new friendships. All DD & DD Friendly opinions & discussion topics welcome. Free chat room created to discuss topics & everything happening in & around the open minded DD Community. Beginning soon there will be Topic Nights covering everything about DD and DD Friendly Spanking Community. Enjoy! :)
The Domestic Discipline Community Chatroom is based on Domestic Discipline Education, Information and Knowledge sharing focused on HoHs & TiHs and those interested in ALL variations of real life Domestic Discipline lifestyles.
As it clearly states on the first page of every ADDS Overview/Opening page dating back to 2005, and is posted on the Overview Page of this A Domestic Discipline Society site:
A Domestic Discipline Society® is featured on several alternative lifestyle sites, and collectively has the largest membership and is the most active Domestic Discipline discussion community worldwide. A Domestic Discipline Society® is where all the varying styles of the DD lifestyle are brought together in one place. A melting pot of open minded people, where no one is judged for their differences. All respectful DD based opinions & ideas are welcome and encouraged. We are all here to share our knowledge and help each other understand and grow in this unique lifestyle. That's what has always made ADDS the best place to learn about DD and the most popular DD community in the world. The ADDS members are the ones who share their knowledge with each other through posts and replying to one another. What some "blogs" and sites might call Guest Writers, we call Members. Anyone can comment on a thread, but if you're a Member here and have an idea for your own thread... just let me know! As this new A Domestic Discipline Society site grows, you"ll have the insight of ADDS members that have been posting and replying over the years on various ADDS discussion groups. Opinions here are from non judgmental, progressive, receptive individuals who are single, in a relationship or married couples either living within the various styles of Domestic Discipline as a respectful lifestyle choice or seeking insightful information on the DD lifestyle choice.
With that in mind, The DD Community Chatroom is open to everyone 18 and over. This is something that has been discussed for a long time and recently the amount of emails we here at ADDS have received is not to be ignored. I have always said that this ADDS site and all the discussion groups etc are not mine. They are all free and they all of yours.
I have a lot experience moderating chatrooms, social sites and discussion groups. I along with others will be moderating the DD Chatroom and we will be seeking Moderators from different areas of the DD & DD Friendly Community. Have fun and please keep it clean! :)
I have a lot experience moderating chatrooms, social sites and discussion groups. I along with others will be moderating the DD Chatroom and we will be seeking Moderators from different areas of the DD & DD Friendly Community. Have fun and please keep it clean! :)
Click the link below to continue to the Rules/Password Page & enter DD Chatroom:
click! > The Domestic Discipline Community Chatroom Rules & Password Page
click! > The Domestic Discipline Community Chatroom Rules & Password Page
This is a wonderful chatroom, Ian and I enjoyed ourselves taking with you the other night, my friend. I think it will be a good place for people to talk in real time about dd issues.
I had such a great time talking to you and Ian the other night!!!
DeleteI hope the community embraces this idea and uses the room any way they feel they would like to in order to share more & more about what's happening in the entire DD & DD Friendly Community too Lillie :)
Like I mentioned to you, this room isn't mine for ADDS, it's for everyone.