** ADDS is Your Worldwide Domestic Discipline Community Home Page!

All members & readers of A Domestic Discipline Society discussion groups, social sites & blog. Collectively you made ADDS the largest, most read, most active Domestic Discipline Community worldwide. We promise to continue to present only the best DD information, news & resources. Thank you for making ADDS your DD HOME PAGE for Everything DD!


Spanking Blog and Domestic Discipline Friendly Site Recommendations

As a leader in DD Education, Info & Resources since 2005... we are proud to be a part of this community!
A Domestic Discipline Society would like to recognize and recommend some of the blogs & sites who are both DD Friendly and are sharing and supportive of the DD community. This is a fantastic variety of interesting, informative and fun blogs! 


Domestic Discipline Book Club: DD Friendly Authors

Introducing The DD Book Club!  
And the brand new DD Friendly Authors / DD Book Club blog list to make it easier then ever to find a fiery DD fiction book by a great DD Fiction genre author!  A Domestic Discipline Society would like to recommend DD Fiction Authors who are both DD Friendly and who are sharing and supportive of the DD community. Here they are, welcome them all...


Domestic Discipline Blogs: New DD Blogs & All Sharing DD Blogs

NEW Sharing Domestic Discipline Blog award winners! This is a friendly award of appreciation. These are distinctively DD Blogs who share their DD lifestyle journey and are part of the rapidly growing community of Sharing DD Bloggers.


Taken in Hand View of Head of Household Role - One TiHs View of HoH Role

This was shared on the Loving Domestic Discipline (LDD) discussion group I've been moderating for the past four years. And it's been shared and posted a couple times online. It has been posted mainly "as is" and I felt it was interesting and it would be a useful tool to break down and study.


Domestic Discipline Lifestyle Mentor: How to Seek a DD Mentor

Domestic Discipline DD Research Series. 
After a person has been reading and researching the Domestic Discipline lifestyle dynamic, the next thought might be to seek out experienced people to ask questions or chat with online. Some, after communicating online, then decide to seek out an experienced Mentor or Teacher.

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