** ADDS is Your Worldwide Domestic Discipline Community Home Page!

All members & readers of A Domestic Discipline Society discussion groups, social sites & blog. Collectively you made ADDS the largest, most read, most active Domestic Discipline Community worldwide. We promise to continue to present only the best DD information, news & resources. Thank you for making ADDS your DD HOME PAGE for Everything DD!

Contact MrBB

If you'd like to contact me directly please feel free to email me:

Please include that you are contacting about the ADDS Blogspot in the Subject line.
Any form of Spam will be immediately blocked and reported.

And if you're also a member of other ADDS discussion groups,
which ones and your nickname there would be nice to know too :)

Contacting from another blog to share information, links and/or banners?
That sounds good!  Please contact via email, with the title, subject matter of your blog and link.
Please understand that I will only be sharing links etc with other quality Domestic Discipline lifestyle and 
DD friendly Spanking blogs with class!

I appreciate the many many supportive compliments and also the constructive ideas for improvement I have been receiving via email. If you have an article you would like to post here on ADDS, please email me and I would love to post your well thought out articles and ideas based specifically on DD as a consensual & respectful lifestyle choice. Please read Site Rules tab before contacting with your article. Thank you.

Click to email MrBB >  MrBBs direct email

Update: It seems there's some "mailto" thing added to people direct email links,

So... type in or copy/paste to your Send to box on email: >>>         


If you have included a link to A Domestic Discipline Society (ADDS) to your site please email me so I can reciprocate :)
And if you are on the ADDS list of links and would like to include the "Recommended by" button above, be my guest. If you prefer a small banner instead or need help with your blog in any way, please contact me I am happy to help in any way I can. 

CLICK! banner below for Free & Original DD Boot Camp Information