** ADDS is Your Worldwide Domestic Discipline Community Home Page!

All members & readers of A Domestic Discipline Society discussion groups, social sites & blog. Collectively you made ADDS the largest, most read, most active Domestic Discipline Community worldwide. We promise to continue to present only the best DD information, news & resources. Thank you for making ADDS your DD HOME PAGE for Everything DD!


Domestic Discipline Lifestyle Research: How to Start Reaching Out & Communicating Online

After a person has been researching Domestic Discipline and learning about a DD relationship and roles of a HoH & TiH, it might feel like the time to go beyond researching through reading and begin to seek communication with people who are experienced about the DD lifestyle to gain further knowledge. There are people who are respectful and can be very helpful in your continued knowledge of the Domestic Discipline paradigm as a relationship choice. Sadly, there are also those who merely claim to be knowledgeable who will accidentally or purposely mislead you for their own ulterior motives.


How to Start Domestic Discipline Research: What is DD to Me Resource & Eliminating Confusion

How to identify as a Head of Household (HoH) or Taken in Hand (TiH) is an individual choice. Domestic Discipline is a relationship paradigm that is often, but not exclusively, spoken and written about as being part of a committed relationship dynamic. There are DD explanations shared that are specific to gender, religious preference, sexual preference or are defined by relationship choice or marital status even though the lifestyle of Domestic Discipline is free of such boundaries. So I'm often asked how to research Domestic Discipline. How to live your life is your choice. How to identify yourself is your choice. How to start your DD research is too.


Domestic Discipline Lifestyle Community Sit Down Discussion

A Domestic Discipline Society  presents The Community Sit Down Discussion

Sit Down Discussions are a vital component of a Domestic Discipline lifestyle relationship or marriage. Communication is a Key to DD and SitDDs are the time proven tool to communicate specific DD thoughts & feelings within a new or experienced Domestic Discipline relationship. The DD Community SitDD is a new weekly "round table" style community discussion.


Domestic Discipline Lifestyle Community Milestones. A Domestic Discipline Society

DD Homepage & Community Milestones 
Over 200,000 views & 160 Contributing Members. Almost all views have come in only 5 months. Second 100,000 & 60 Contributing Members in just over the past two months. New DD Community Chat Room. DD the focus of mainstream media. And more...


Domestic Discipline Community Chat Discussion Room: The DD Chat Room is Now Open!

DD Chat Room Now Open to the Community! Enjoy chatting with friends and making new friendships. All DD & DD Friendly opinions & discussion topics welcome. Free chat room created to discuss topics & everything happening in & around the open minded DD Community.  Beginning soon there will be Topic Nights covering everything about DD and DD Friendly Spanking Community. Enjoy! :)

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