** ADDS is Your Worldwide Domestic Discipline Community Home Page!

All members & readers of A Domestic Discipline Society discussion groups, social sites & blog. Collectively you made ADDS the largest, most read, most active Domestic Discipline Community worldwide. We promise to continue to present only the best DD information, news & resources. Thank you for making ADDS your DD HOME PAGE for Everything DD!


Domestic Discipline Marriage: Beginning A Domestic Discipline Marriage

Domestic Discipline  Marriage: You have "Come Out" or someone has Come Out to you... What's next?
How you start your Domestic Discipline Marriage or Relationship is vital to the later success of your DD lifestyle choice. Where you are in your life and relationship status is an important determining factor in deciding the best way to move forward. We'll look at this in two parts. HoH & TiHs after a TiH has "Come Out" about their DD desires. If an experienced HoH reveals their DD relationship needs then there is usually a built in leader and guide within the relationship. When a TiH comes out to a perspective HoH, there can be difficulties asking someone to take on a more open leadership perspective and the new HoH is the one who has less information in the beginning.


Domestic Discipline Friendly Sites, Spanking Blogs, Links & ADDS first friendly site Recommendations

A Domestic Discipline Society would like to recognize and recommend some of the blogs & sites who are both DD Friendly and who have been sharing and supportive of the DD community and A Domestic Discipline Society. Here they are...


Domestic Discipline Blogs: All Sharing Domestic Discipline Blogs & Favorite DD Blog Vote Winners

A Domestic Discipline Society had a community wide vote to find which Domestic Discipline Blog the ADDS readers preferred as a favorite. I was absolutely amazed at the support and outpouring of votes and ideas that came rolling in!          THE WINNER IS...


Defining Domestic Discipline / Domestic Discipline Lifestyle Definition

Defining set idioms, fundamentals and practices of DD as a lifestyle choice is never an easy endeavor. Domestic Discipline is one of the more widely misunderstood relationship dynamics within the alternative lifestyle community. Mainly, because if it's not the lifestyle choice one leads, then they naturally don't study it and search deeply into varying interpretations. And there are many variations and denotations of Domestic Discipline.


Coming Out about Spanking and Revealing Domestic Discipline Desires

There are different reasons why people feel the need to tell someone about their urge for spanking or the desire for a Domestic Discipline lifestyle. Personally, I haven't had to "come out" with my DD lifestyle or explain my spanking side to anyone recently. People I feel I would like to tell, I've told. Anyone who needs to know... knows. Everyone who it wouldn't matter if I told, or make sense to tell... doesn't know.


What is Domestic Discipline? ~ A Domestic Discipline Society

What is Domestic Discipline? That could depend on who is answering the question. One of the beautiful aspects of a Domestic Discipline Lifestyle, is that it is open to interpretation. What works best for one person or a couple, does not necessarily work for everyone. There are many "This is DD" articles posted out there. If you read within those articles that DD is ONLY for a specific group or excludes others that don't agree with their interpretation, then you're probably reading about just one variation of Domestic Discipline as a lifestyle.

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