** ADDS is Your Worldwide Domestic Discipline Community Home Page!

All members & readers of A Domestic Discipline Society discussion groups, social sites & blog. Collectively you made ADDS the largest, most read, most active Domestic Discipline Community worldwide. We promise to continue to present only the best DD information, news & resources. Thank you for making ADDS your DD HOME PAGE for Everything DD!


Cyclical Spanking: A Guest Post by Ronnie, of the Heart and Soul Blog

A Domestic Discipline Society loves to share what YOU think! One way is with Guest Posts by ADDS Members! I was reading one of the blogs I visit often and enjoyed the post as an original and insightful observation! I thought the ADDS readership would enjoy it also. So I asked Ronnie from the Heart and Soul blog if I could re-post it here as a Guest Post. She graciously said yes...


Domestic Discipline Glossary, Descriptions, Acronyms and Terminology

The Domestic Discipline Glossary includes Terminologies, Descriptions & Acronyms specific to the DD lifestyle community. This DD resource is one of the most popular on ADDS. This post is also open to all terminologies and the entire Domestic Discipline community as an interactive and ongoing project... This Update includes the addition of The DD Foundation, The Free DD Guide and 3D S&H


A Domestic Discipline Society (ADDS) / 10 Year Anniversary!

 10 year Anniversary of the very first ADDS discussion group! Now, ADDS is all over the internet and hosts the most viewed DD Resource site. 

This *ADDS* site is based on Domestic Discipline Education, Information and Knowledge sharing focused on HoHs & TiHs and those interested in ALL variations of real life Domestic Discipline lifestyles.


Domestic Discipline Blogs: New and All Sharing Domestic Discipline Blogs

 All Sharing Domestic Discipline Blogs! And NEWest Sharing DD Blogs. This is a friendly award of appreciation. These are distinctively DD Blogs who share their DD lifestyle journey and are part of the rapidly growing community of Sharing DD Bloggers.


Domestic Discipline Book Club Authors: The DD Book Club

Domestic Discipline Authors & Book Information.
The DD Friendly Authors / DD Book Club blog list is here to make it easier then ever to find a fiery DD/Spanking Romance fiction book by a great DD/ Spanking Fiction genre author!  A Domestic Discipline Society would like to recommend DD Fiction Authors who are both DD Friendly and who are sharing and supportive of the DD community. Here they are, visit them all...


Domestic Discipline CONSENT: DD is 100% Consensual

Without Consent, there is no Domestic Discipline Relationship Foundation. It's that simple. Consent is the 1st of the 3C's of The DD Foundation. A Domestic Discipline lifestyle dynamic begins with both partners fully consenting to move forward, research and infuse the DD relationship choice into an existing or a new happy coexistence.


Domestic Discipline COMMUNICATION: Key and 3C of DD

Domestic Discipline Communication is often talked about especially when a couple is new to the DD relationship choice, or if there is a road block within the first year or two of including a Domestic Discipline dynamic into their relationship. When a couple has been living with a DD Foundation for awhile, it's understood how important and absolutely vital the building and strengthening their communication techniques were especially in the beginning.

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