** ADDS is Your Worldwide Domestic Discipline Community Home Page!

All members & readers of A Domestic Discipline Society discussion groups, social sites & blog. Collectively you made ADDS the largest, most read, most active Domestic Discipline Community worldwide. We promise to continue to present only the best DD information, news & resources. Thank you for making ADDS your DD HOME PAGE for Everything DD!


Domestic Discipline: One DD World Community

ADDS researches deep into all areas of the Domestic Discipline lifestyle community and raises vital questions for community discussion and growth. There is something happening over the years that has been a little puzzling. There seems to be a separation between those who frequent blogs and people who prefer to go on adult discussion groups. This has caused a void of information between the two venues of information. Although with cross-over blogs like this one and others the chasm is closing. But, why is there still any gap? We are ONE DD World Community.


A Domestic Discipline Society: Thank you to our Quiet Readers, We Love our Lurkers!

A Domestic Discipline Society readers come from all areas of the Domestic Discipline, Spanking and greater lifestyle community. Many are silent readers also known as Lurkers. Today is a special day set aside for us bloggers to say thank you for coming by and reading our musings, posts and articles.


HoH & TiH Domestic Discipline Discussion: The DD Chat Room Community Sit Down Discussion

** This weeks general DD Topic is a week long Q&A session. Bring up whatever is on your mind, ask questions & bring up DD focused discussion topics you have been thinking of recently.

Tonight's DD Topic is "Why did you choose a DD Relationship"


Domestic Discipline Book Club & DD Friendly Authors

Introducing the first ever DD Book Reviewer, also all and new DD Friendly Author links. The DD Friendly Authors / DD Book Club blog list was made to make it easier then ever to find a fiery DD fiction book by a great DD Fiction and Spanking Romance genre author!


Domestic Discipline Rules: Examining, Building & Re-Organizing DD Relationship Rules

Rules, Goals and Aspirations... Where to begin building Domestic Discipline Relationship Rules.
A common discussion found throughout the DD community is about Rules. How to build DD Relationship Rules. Where to begin and how to continue. Later on, how to keep everything organized and working as a tool in the relationship dynamic instead of becoming a micromanaging mess where the TiH or HoH feel hemmed in instead of free in their choice to live a DD style relationship.


Domestic Discipline Key to DD: Patience

We've all heard that patience is a virtue. While patience is truly a virtue in life, patience is vital in a new, growing and continuing Domestic Discipline relationship. Patience is a Key to DD because we don't absolutely know how our partner, or future partner, will accept and intellectualize the information about what a Domestic Discipline lifestyle choice is in reality.
This is part seven of the ongoing ADDS Series, Keys to DD.


Domestic Discipline Blog: New Sharing Domestic Discipline Blogs

NEWest Sharing Domestic Discipline Blogs! This is a friendly award of appreciation. These are distinctively DD Blogs who share their DD lifestyle journey and are part of the rapidly growing community of Sharing DD Bloggers.


Domestic Discipline and Coming Out about Spanking

Domestic Discipline style Coming Out and DD needs & desires. Are you still wondering? Still researching? Still waiting to to come out? Do you have ideas about telling your significant other?  A Domestic Discipline Society continues to research and investigate the most proven ways to help someone Come Out about their DD relationship needs.


Domestic Discipline Information, Research & DD Mentoring

How we gather information is important, and in the beginning how we Research Domestic Discipline is vital to later success. The Domestic Discipline Community Sit Down Discussion & DD Topic this week in The DD Community Chat Room is: Domestic Discipline Information, Research & DD Mentoring. 


Domestic Discipline Black Wednesday: DD and the Media after June 19th

UPDATED Info & Links! Domestic Discipline as a lifestyle has come under a smear campaign filled with misinformation and fabrication. June 19th is DD Black Wednesday and the worst day in Domestic Discipline history. It is on that day that all the negativity in the media began and continues. This can easily be seen by everyone around for more then a couple years who are aware of the celebrations and difficulties this community has been through over many years. It can be proven through a retrospective of the past and what has happened since June 19th.


Domestic Discipline is Consensual: DD is Loving

In light of the recent difficulties that have been presented to the DD Community, it became evident that we as a community need to continue to seek out and present the truth of what a Domestic Discipline really IS vs what it is NOT. ADDS was built on sharing and exploring the commonalities of what DD is all about. We had no need to delve into asking if DD was abusive in any way because everyone knew that one of the most important aspect that defines DD is that DD is consensual. Because of a horrible article we now find it necessary to explore one area that DD is NOT. DD is NOT abusive in any way, or it is not DD.


Defending Domestic Discipline: I Love my DD choice

Defending Domestic Discipline from the ignorance & intolerance of people like Brandy Zadrozny. Recently a horrible interview was conducted that went insanely viral, spreading misleading and completely misguided information. The ignorance, intolerance and lack of research is disturbing. None of the so called "reporters" did any research and each one basically copy/pasted what the last one wrote instead of doing any investigation or reporting of their own.


Spanking for Jesus is a hoax: The reality of Domestic Discipline

This Community Sit Down Discussion is about all the negativity and damage that one post on one tabloid online site created. This has been the most misguided, negative and damaging piece of unresearched info to ever be published online. The author did not research the DD dynamic and tried to wrap DD into a personal vendetta against Christianity and condemn all men who have a christian belief and a DD foundation as wife beaters.


Domestic Discipline Blogs: New & All Sharing DD Blogs

NEWest Sharing Domestic Discipline Blog award winners! This is a friendly award of appreciation. These are distinctively DD Blogs who share their DD lifestyle journey and are part of the rapidly growing community of Sharing DD Bloggers.


Domestic Discipline Glossary: This Thing We Do / TTWD

The Domestic Discipline Glossary includes Terminologies, Descriptions & Acronyms specific to the DD lifestyle community.
This DD resource is one of the most popular on ADDS. There is an addition to be discussed, TTWD. And this post is also open to all terminologies and the entire Domestic Discipline community as an interactive and ongoing project...


Domestic Discipline Community Sit Down Discussion

This weeks DD Community Sit Down Discussion: *Confession*
Confessing when a rule has been broken or breached is one of the Keys to DDThis is one area many TiHs find very difficult, especially in the beginning. A DD relationship includes the TiH being completely honest in the agreed upon Power Exchange... even when the HoH is not around. And that's just one area where Confessing plays a key role in a successful Domestic Discipline lifestyle.


Thoughts on the Draw to Domestic Discipline: Why Do I Want to be Punished?

UPDATE: A Domestic Discipline Society loves to share what YOU think! One way is with Guest Posts by ADDS Members! While enjoying a chat in The DD Chat Room a new person mentioned that they enjoy writing. I asked if she wrote a DD blog, she replied she'd like to but not yet. We chatted about something she wrote and shared once before. She updated and emailed it and I was happy to ask if she would like to Guest Post here on ADDS. She graciously accepted.


Domestic Discipline Community Forum: Open Discussion Days!

It was a short message on Twitter. It's become a positive movement toward building an open sharing community. Most people may have not have even noticed or understood it. I was hoping it might be the pebble in the pond that created a ripple effect spreading out toward something that might benefit the community in a positive way.


Domestic Discipline Chat Room: The DD Community Chat Room

THE DD CHAT ROOM UPGRADED! New features, check Rules/Entry Page!
Free Domestic Discipline chat room created to build community, ask questions, discuss topics & everything happening in & around the DD Community. Ask questions & get answers LIVE!  Enjoy chatting with friends and making new friendships. Topic Discussions covering everything about DD and DD Friendly Spanking Community. Enjoy! :)


Spanking Blog and Domestic Discipline Friendly Site Recommendations

As a leader in DD Education, Info & Resources since 2005... we are proud to be a part of this community!
A Domestic Discipline Society would like to recognize and recommend some of the blogs & sites who are both DD Friendly and are sharing and supportive of the DD community. This is a fantastic variety of interesting, informative and fun blogs! 


Domestic Discipline Book Club: DD Friendly Authors

Introducing The DD Book Club!  
And the brand new DD Friendly Authors / DD Book Club blog list to make it easier then ever to find a fiery DD fiction book by a great DD Fiction genre author!  A Domestic Discipline Society would like to recommend DD Fiction Authors who are both DD Friendly and who are sharing and supportive of the DD community. Here they are, welcome them all...


Domestic Discipline Blogs: New DD Blogs & All Sharing DD Blogs

NEW Sharing Domestic Discipline Blog award winners! This is a friendly award of appreciation. These are distinctively DD Blogs who share their DD lifestyle journey and are part of the rapidly growing community of Sharing DD Bloggers.


Taken in Hand View of Head of Household Role - One TiHs View of HoH Role

This was shared on the Loving Domestic Discipline (LDD) discussion group I've been moderating for the past four years. And it's been shared and posted a couple times online. It has been posted mainly "as is" and I felt it was interesting and it would be a useful tool to break down and study.


Domestic Discipline Lifestyle Mentor: How to Seek a DD Mentor

Domestic Discipline DD Research Series. 
After a person has been reading and researching the Domestic Discipline lifestyle dynamic, the next thought might be to seek out experienced people to ask questions or chat with online. Some, after communicating online, then decide to seek out an experienced Mentor or Teacher.


Domestic Discipline Lifestyle Research: How to Start Reaching Out & Communicating Online

After a person has been researching Domestic Discipline and learning about a DD relationship and roles of a HoH & TiH, it might feel like the time to go beyond researching through reading and begin to seek communication with people who are experienced about the DD lifestyle to gain further knowledge. There are people who are respectful and can be very helpful in your continued knowledge of the Domestic Discipline paradigm as a relationship choice. Sadly, there are also those who merely claim to be knowledgeable who will accidentally or purposely mislead you for their own ulterior motives.


How to Start Domestic Discipline Research: What is DD to Me Resource & Eliminating Confusion

How to identify as a Head of Household (HoH) or Taken in Hand (TiH) is an individual choice. Domestic Discipline is a relationship paradigm that is often, but not exclusively, spoken and written about as being part of a committed relationship dynamic. There are DD explanations shared that are specific to gender, religious preference, sexual preference or are defined by relationship choice or marital status even though the lifestyle of Domestic Discipline is free of such boundaries. So I'm often asked how to research Domestic Discipline. How to live your life is your choice. How to identify yourself is your choice. How to start your DD research is too.


Domestic Discipline Lifestyle Community Sit Down Discussion

A Domestic Discipline Society  presents The Community Sit Down Discussion

Sit Down Discussions are a vital component of a Domestic Discipline lifestyle relationship or marriage. Communication is a Key to DD and SitDDs are the time proven tool to communicate specific DD thoughts & feelings within a new or experienced Domestic Discipline relationship. The DD Community SitDD is a new weekly "round table" style community discussion.


Domestic Discipline Lifestyle Community Milestones. A Domestic Discipline Society

DD Homepage & Community Milestones 
Over 200,000 views & 160 Contributing Members. Almost all views have come in only 5 months. Second 100,000 & 60 Contributing Members in just over the past two months. New DD Community Chat Room. DD the focus of mainstream media. And more...


Domestic Discipline Community Chat Discussion Room: The DD Chat Room is Now Open!

DD Chat Room Now Open to the Community! Enjoy chatting with friends and making new friendships. All DD & DD Friendly opinions & discussion topics welcome. Free chat room created to discuss topics & everything happening in & around the open minded DD Community.  Beginning soon there will be Topic Nights covering everything about DD and DD Friendly Spanking Community. Enjoy! :)


Domestic Discipline: Experienced HoHs Perspective on DD Core Values & Home

Those of us with experience have learned though time that the balance between a HoH and TiH can lead to a peaceful place and a tranquil refuge from the often stressful lives we lead.  Most importantly a home where a couple can express their love for one another.


A Domestic Discipline Society: DD featured in the Print Media!

Domestic Discipline has been highlighted in a public media newspaper published February 14th. A journalist researching the Domestic Discipline lifestyle dynamic, and where it might fit into the entire lifestyle community, published an article that is focused on Domestic Discipline and also mentions A Domestic Discipline Society, the E. L. James novel 50 Shades of Grey, Christian Domestic Discipline (CDD) and touches on elements of the BDSM community.


Domestic Discipline Appreciation & Reaffirmation

Anytime is a great time to recommit to our loved ones. Planning that special evening together or a gift that says I Love You? Nothing says I Love You more then showing your loved one how much you appreciate them! And this is a great time of year to reaffirm a DD Household Commitment. Concentrating on what has brought you to whatever point you are currently traversing along on your own individual pathway, and how far each person has come, is a beautiful way to show your appreciation for your partner. That's right, it's DD Appreciation & Reaffirmation Days!


Domestic Discipline Relationship Characteristics: ETHICS are a Key to DD

What is ethical behavior in a Domestic Discipline Marriage or relationship? As with most questions posed when beginning and sustaining the DD dynamic within a marriage or relationship, personal ethical standards are communicated and discussed as part of an individuals beliefs on honesty and morals. It is also important to understand your personal feelings on Ethics if you're single and seeking a DD based relationship foundation.


Domestic Discipline Friendly Sites, Spanking Blogs, Authors, Links & Recommendations

A Domestic Discipline Society would like to recognize and recommend some of the blogs & sites who are both DD Friendly and who have been sharing and supportive of the DD community and A Domestic Discipline Society. Here they are...
Check out the Newest & ALL DD Friendly Sites!


Domestic Discipline: New DD Blogs & ALL Sharing DD Blogs 2/13

UPDATED! NEW Sharing Domestic Discipline Blog award winners! These are distinctively DD Blogs who share their DD lifestyle journey and are who are part of the rapidly growing network of Sharing DD Bloggers.
 February's Sharing DD Bloggers are:


50 Shades of Grey E! Entertainment & Our America with Lisa Ling TV Show Alerts

*UPDATE with VIDEO LINK*  & MEDIA ALERT with Times & Listings here* 
Our America w/ Lisa Ling "50 Shades of Kink" on OWN & 
E! Entertainment Television is airing an E! Special "The Real 50 Shades of Grey" It's described as The complicated relationships between real-world Dominants and Submissives.


What is Christian Domestic Discipline? A CDD Description

Christian Domestic Discipline CDD.  This article comes from the Christian Domestic Discipline (CDD) area of the DD lifestyle community. A Domestic Discipline Society has researched and presented some well known Domestic Discipline community articles. We feel it's important to share a 360 degree view of the Domestic Discipline lifestyle choice.


Beginning Domestic Discipline Plan & Process / Your DD Plan

Domestic Discipline as a lifestyle relationship foundation takes time, patience, planning and a process forward in a positive direction. Basically, it takes work. Working on your relationship, no matter what style of life you decide to live, is important for a happy and successful relationship or marriage. It's no different for those who decide to live a consensual Domestic Discipline style of life. You need a Plan.


Spanking, Disciplinary Spanking, Punishment Spanking, Experiment Spanking & Safe-Words

In the beginning of your Domestic Discipline dynamic, the word spanking and how to implement a  consensual spanking are hot topics. As with most aspects of Domestic Discipline, communication is more important then anything else. With that in mind...


Spanking & Domestic Discipline Desires - ReOpening the Door

November 9th 2012, a freelance writer named Jillian Keenan had an essay style article published in the Fashion & Style section of  The New York Times online site. November 11th the article was published in the NYT Sunday newspaper. There was a lot of online discussion that followed about how people have come out or would like reveal a spanking need or fetish or their desires to bring spanking into a relationship with a Domestic Discipline lifestyle dynamic. ADDS published the Keenan article with a link to the NYT here on ADDS. Then there was a follow up to the article. Then I wrote a 360 degree look at the subject titled Coming Out about Spanking and Revealing Domestic Discipline Desires.


Domestic Discipline: New DD Blogs & All Sharing DD Blogs

Here are the NEWest Sharing Domestic Discipline Blog award winners! There are both new and established DD Bloggers listed here who are part of the growing community of Sharing DD Bloggers.
Continue to see NEW & ALL Sharing DD Bloggers with short descriptions and links...


Domestic Discipline Terminology, Descriptions, Acronyms & Glossary

It's time to update The Domestic Discipline Glossary and it is now an ongoing community project. This DD community resource is the most popular Tab Page on the top of this ADDS site. There are a few additions in mind that you'll see here soon, and I also want to open it up to the Domestic Discipline community as an interactive and ongoing project...


A Domestic Discipline Society Community MileStones

Milestones. Is there such a thing as Milepebbles?
With the year winding down I began to think back over the past year. Especially, the past few months. I wanted to say thank you for the warm welcome from the blogging part of the community. And thanks to so many people coming over and reading this blog who have come from the ADDS discussion communities that have been around for so many years. With that in mind...

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